College admission essays
How To Draft A Critical Thinking Essay Using A Critical Thinking Topic
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Jane Lind Essay Example For Students
Jane Lind Essay Sitting in the Citicorp display close to Manhattans St. Subsides Church, where she is coordinating five shows for the multicultural Magic Circle Opera Repertory Company, Alaskan-conceived theater craftsman Jane Lind wears mid length hoops made by a cousin from red cornet globules implying life, encompassed by dark dots for security. My kin consistently ensure that you have something from home, she remarks. These studs are to invigorate me. Linds legacy is a managing power behind her work as an entertainer, executive, choreographer and educator. I experienced childhood in the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, in a culture that consistently had theater, however I didnt realize it was theater at that point. I think I saw my first splendid lights in the stones and debris spilling up from Mount Veniaminof, the fountain of liquid magma close to my town of Perryville. It was so emotional we had springs of gushing lava, windstorms, the ocean. Im not sure that something wasnt mixed in me early. Likewise being raised as a Russian Orthodox was significant, in light of the fact that that has such pomp. I sang in Russian in the congregation ensemble. I have a sixteenth to a fourth of Russian in me, and my grandma consistently stated, You relate to everything in you. The Aleut culture and the Russian culture were a lot of part of my life. Lind started her expert profession while a secondary school understudy at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, where her exhibition as Jo in A Taste of Honey prompted the job of Rosa in Gene Frankels creation of The Rose Tattoo at SMUS Greer Garson Theater. She propelled her New York vocation in the mid 70s when she helped found the Native American Theater Ensemble. Her social character likewise educated her presentation as Hecuba in Andrei Serbans Fragments of a Greek Trilogy, an original creation that opened at La Mama and visited universally in the mid-70s. Lind reviews that during practices we had an individual showing us Ancient Greek, however we additionally utilized Latin and a blend of dialects. There was some Aleut in it, as well, I contributed that. While playing Kate in The Taming of the Shrew at the Alaska Repertory Company in 1982, Lind got the opportunity to investigate her developing enthusiasm for coordinating that dated back to her secondary school organizing of a Native American adaptation of Oedipus Rex. She and Dana Hart, the on-screen character playing Petruchio, were approached to go into the schools and train dramatization as an approach to assist kids with improving their instructive aptitudes and confidence. In the end, they did theater residencies in eight country networks around the state. Through this undertaking, Lind experienced understudies with colossal individual issues; many had attempted to end it all. A great deal of the educators, anyway great and caring they may be, were white, though I was a local individual that understudies could relate to. Surprisingly fast, I made them do everything. The good example was significant for them and started to cut obstructions like there's no tomorrow. When I comprehended whom I was working with, I felt that I needed to give them additional time, that I should begin giving something back. So Lind started working with Native Americans in Alaska to record their legends. In the wake of establishing the Spirit Theater in Bethel with Renee Patten, Lind explored Inuit legends and charged Dave Hunsacker to compose a play dependent on the creation fantasy. The Spirits in Ad Things visited towns in southwestern Alaska and the Arctic slant, and in Fairbanks and Anchorage. She at that point worked with the Athabascan individuals, co-composing with Patten and coordinating The Potlatch, in light of conventional legends. Potlatch is a vacationer piece, she clarifies, a half-hour play that shows the heart, the quality and the magnificence of the individuals. Numerous towns need to work with the goal that what they present to voyagers will be stately. The manner in which the work is done differs. Some of the time understudies from colleges and schools go out and tape the individuals talking; here and there I go with them, however the ordering tumbles to me. It is hard to get the trust of the people groups and their seniors since they have been ripped off so regularly by theater or move individuals who have considered their societies and done understandings that havent went through the older folks and have been unhelpful for the people groups. In my undertakings, the last advance is getting the approval of the older folks, so the regard is there. The hardest fight I need to battle is that, while I am a Native American, I am a lady. They don't anticipate that a lady should do what I do; a lady is as yet expected to be home with the children. They find that Im trained and have done my exploration and have the most elevated regard, yet at the same time in some cases they state, Why would it be advisable for us to confide in you? I state, Why would it be a good idea for you to not? Dont let your accounts pass on in light of the fact that Im attempting to do them. You will be blameworthy of taking your legacy to the grave as opposed to imparting it to the people to come. They now and again get extremely resentful about how Im doing it, since I slice one section off to make the story line stream, however Im attempting to go for the heart. I get the conventional moves, for example, yet Ill state, I can't let you sing for ten minutes. I need just three minutes, for the quintessence. Your own kin start to question you in that procedure of getting to what is actually theirs. After they see it, they comprehend. In practices for The Glenn and Allen Show, a play about the provincial Alaskan towns of Glenn and Allen which highlights Athabascan and white inhabitants, Lind was confronted with obstruction from local entertainers who detested being moved around the phase in gatherings. She asked the most straightforward Athabascan to sit in the assembly room and watch: I clarified why I was moving them around how it indicated them generally present yet their properties contracting and he stated, Oh man, Jane, I didnt know this was going on. The photos very unique in relation to being up there. Lind, who played Chuck Connerss Inupiaq Eskimo spouse for chief Percy Adlon in Salmonberries, which won in front of the rest of the competition in a 1991 Canadian movie celebration, is continually exchanging caps: For as far back as five years Ive been coordinating dramas for Magic Circle, which needs me to submit a greater amount of my time. In Alaska they need me to do a residency for a year, just as to help numerous towns that need to improve the travel industry. One month from now Lind goes into practice as driving woman and choreographer for Robert Jonansons creation of Black Elk Speaks, another form of Christopher Sergels play about a Sioux heavenly man, initially introduced at the Folger Theater in Washington, D.C. The play opens at the New Mexico Repertory theater in Santa Fe, and is relied upon to go to the Paper Mill Playhouse in New Jersey right on time one year from now. Between acting commitment, Lind will keep on working in Alaska: Beginning my profession in the Native American Theater Ensemble gave me the assurance that I could get by acting, and furthermore made me glad for what my identity was. Inevitably it likewise gave me the longing to return to my kin and state, Hey, we have legends that merit recalling and recording lets take a gander at them. Its stupendous to set up organizations for Native Americans, yet shouldn't something be said about the spirit? To me, that is the thing that auditorium is. .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e , .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .postImageUrl , .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e , .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e:hover , .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e:visited , .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e:active { border:0!important; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e:active , .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e:hover { mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u109a6a20075bbfdb2d17328c91c3d15e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Israel Horovitz Essay
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Improving Classroom Behavior and Social Skills Essay
Improving study hall conduct and social aptitudes is relating to a general effect on the child’s learning capacities. This methodology is especially pointed when there are understudies who have inabilities. The instructor straightforwardly influences children’s fittingness and unseemliness and the homeroom set up. It is an unquestionable requirement to check the structure and unwavering quality of every day exercises and the standards of direct set by instructors in evaluating study hall factors. Proactive measures or rules have been built up in continuing an air of positive learning and proper conduct for kids free or with incapacities. â€Å"Interventions conveyed in an ordinary homeroom have the best potential to upgrade prosocial capabilities by adjusting the study hall social framework to help all understudies, including dismissed and separated understudies, understudies with incapacities, and low-performing understudies, every one of whom are in danger for social difficulties†(Rathvon, 2008, p. 321). The Council for Exceptional Children has established the eight conduct the executives measures: Arrange homeroom to meet social/enthusiastic needs just as instructional and authoritative needs; change calendars to give a harmony between profoundly organized periods and all the more animating exercises; build up a gathering conduct the board plan that consolidates singular needs; Give direct guidance, customized learning, and exactness showing exercises; give bunch building openings that move understudies from a â€Å"I†to a â€Å"We†direction; know about how individual needs influence bunch elements; take care of students’ physiological just as mental needs; a great part of the carrying on conduct mirrors a requirement for force or consideration; and endeavor to give as meager enthusiastic reaction as conceivable to unseemly conduct (Council for Exceptional Children 2006-2007). The homeroom, comprises of twenty understudies, four of them have disabilities, is sorted out yet at the same time favorable for energetic learning. I have watched the accompanying schedules: drawing time, recess with materials (e.g dirt), perusing time with educator and a short recitation after that. These schedules are exceptionally useful since they don’t just learn abilities like innovativeness and creative mind, they additionally get the chance to blend and communicate with individual understudies and unwittingly learn and conceptualize their contemplations and thoughts. The four most testing practices during my perception are powerlessness to center or show of deficiency, insignificant battles between understudies, some wrong practices like clamor, which is unavoidable at their age, and dillydallying around the homeroom. The educator has taken care of everything with beauty. Hollering was never an option for her. In spite of the fact that her voice was not as relieving as it ought to be, she figured out how to pull out prevalence in the gentlest conceivable manner. She additionally gives rewards when understudies get acceptable comments and this is probably the best procedure at this phase of learning. Commotion is one of the most testing practices she needed to confront. Since youngsters at this stage are difficult to control, judgment can never be made in agreement. However, by and large, her conduct methods and techniques are compelling. The understudies had utilized the commonplace verbal and non verbal articulations the majority of us do. Gesturing of head and hand signals as non verbal correspondences and replying by yes or no and brief clarification during recitation as verbal. At the point when the instructor says something that they thoroughly concur on, understudies will in general gesture their head monotonously and it goes also by saying yes or no when the educator asks them. As preschoolers, their considerations are not yet solidly built. I would organize utilizing a mitigating manner of speaking as a conduct the executives procedure. This is one of the most critical procedures the instructor disregarded. Consolations or giving out positive remarks is additionally a significant method of valuing the students’ works. Be that as it may, reactions ought to be given helpfully and not degradingly. Well association of study hall, similar to tidiness and things appropriately positioned on their racks, ought to likewise be watched constantly for wellbeing strategies. Prizes and discipline is an extremely compelling conduct the executives. At the point when an understudy gets a comment higher than the normal, the educator gives rewards, in any case, discipline is given. Be that as it may, a large portion of the occasions, discipline are simply given in types of assignments or activities. References Kelley, M. K., Noell, G., and Reitman, D. (2003). Professionals Guide to exactly based  â â â â â â â â â â proportions of school conduct. 18, Rathvon, R. (Ed.) (2008). Successful School Interventions. Guilford Press. Board for Exceptional Children. 2006-2007.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
what will you be doing in 2014 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
what will you be doing in 2014 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The deadline to apply for the Spring 2014 term is quickly approaching Its a week away! If this is the right time to pursue a graduate program, then go for it. Why wait until the fall if you can begin in the spring? (re-read the J-Termer Experience post) For admissions requirements, please click here. If you need additional time to submit last minute documents such as GRE scores or youre waiting for the last recommender to submit her reference letter; go ahead and submit your MIA/MPA application just be sure to contact the Admissions Office to let us know whats on its way. If youre still not sure whether SIPA is the right place for you, come see us at the APSIA Admissions Forum to be held in New York (15 Barclay Street) on Tuesday, October 15th from 6pm to 8pm. You will have the opportunity to meet with school representatives not only from SIPA but also from other reputable international affairs institutions. Its free to attend; you may register online through the APSIA website. Hope to meet you along the way to a bright future at SIPA!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Places in the Iliad Towns, Cities, Rivers, and More
In this list of places in The Iliad, youll find towns, cities, rivers, and some of the groups of people involved on either the Trojan or Greek side of the Trojan War. Abantes: people from Euboea (island near Athens).Abii: a tribe from the north of Hellas.Abydos: a city near Troy, on the Hellespont.Achaea: mainland Greece.Achelous: a river in northern Greece.Achelous: a river in Asia Minor.Adresteia: a town north of Troy.Aegae: in Achaea, location of Poseidons underwater palace.Aegialus: a town in Paphlagonia.Aegilips: a region of Ithaca.Aegina: an island off the Argolid.Aegium: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Aenus: a town in Thrace.Aepea: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Aesepus : a river flowing near Troy from Mt. Ida to the sea.Aetolians: those living in Aetolia, an area of north-central Greece.Aipy: a town ruled by Nestor.Aisyme: a town in Thrace.Aithices: the inhabitants of a region of Thessaly.Alesium: a town of the Epeians (in northern Peloponnese).Alope: a town in Pelasgian Argos.Alos: a town in Pelasgian Argos.Alpheius: a river in the Peloponnese: near Thryoessa.Alybe: a town of the Halizoni.Amphigenea: a town ruled by Nestor.Amydon: a town of the Pae onians (in north-eastern Greece).Amyclae: a town of Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Anemorea: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Anthedon: a town in Boeotia.Antheia: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Antrum: a town in Thessaly.Apaesus: a town to the north of Troy.Araethyrea: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Arcadia: a region in central Peloponnese.Arcadians: inhabitants of Arcadia.Arene: a town ruled by Nestor.Argissa: a town in Thessaly.Argives: see Achaeans.Argolid: area in the north-west Peloponnese.Argos : town in northern Peloponnese ruled by Diomedes.Argos: a large area ruled by Agamemnon.Argos: a general term for the homeland of Achaeans generally (i.e., mainland Greece and Peloponnese).Argos: a region in north-east Greece, part of the kingdom of Peleus (sometimes called Pelasgian Argos).Arimi: people living in theregion where the monster Typhoeus lies underground.Arisbe: a town on the Hellespont, north of Troy.Arne: a town in Boeotia; home of Menesthius.Ascania: a region in Phrygia.Asine: a town in the Argolid.Asopus: a river in Boeotia.Aspledon: a city of the Minyans.Asterius: a town in Thessaly.Athens: a town in Attica.Athos: promontory in northern Greece.Augeiae: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Augeiae: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Aulis: the place in Boeotia where the Achaean fleet assembled for the Trojan expedition.Axius: a river in Paeonia (in north-eastern Greece).Batieia: a mound in the plain in front of Troy (also called tomb of Myrine).Bear: constellation (also called the Wain): depicted on Achilles shield.Bessa: a town in Locris (in central Greece) (2.608).Boagrius: a river in Locris (in central Greece).Boebea: name of a lake andtown in Thessaly.Boeotia: a region of central Greece whose men are part of Achaean forces.Boudeum: original home of Epeigeus (Achaean warrior).Bouprasium: a region in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Bryseae: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Cadmeians: citizens of Thebes in Boeotia.Calliarus: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Callicolone: a hill near Troy.Calydnian Islands: islands in the Aegean Sea.Calydon: a town in Aetolia.Cameirus: a town in Rhodes.Cardamyle: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Caresus: a river from Mount Ida to the sea.Carians: inhabitants ofCaria (a region of Asia Minor), allies of the Trojans.Carystus: a town in Euboea.Casus: an island in the Aegean Sea.Caucones: people of Asia Minor, Trojan allies.Caystrios: a river in Asia Minor.Celadon: a river on the borders of Pylos.Cephallenians: troops in Odysseus contingent (part of Achaean army).Cephisia: lake in Boeotia.Cephissus: a river in Phocis.Cerinthus: a town in Euboea.Chalcis : town in Euboea.Chalcis: a town in Aetolia.Chryse: a town near Troy.Cicones: Trojan allies from Thrace.Cilicians: people ruled by Eà «tion.Cilla: a town near Troy.Cleonae: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Cnossus: large city in Crete.Copae: a town in Boeotia.Corinth: a city on the isthmus dividing mainland Greece and the Peloponnese, part of Agamemnons kingdom, also called Ephyre.Coronea: a town in Boeotia.Cos: an island in the Aegean Sea.Cranae: an island where Paris took Helen after abducting her from Sparta.Crapathus: an island in the Aegean Sea.Cretans: inhabitants of the island of Crete, led by Idomeneus.Cromna: a town in PaphlagoniaCrisa: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Crocylea: a region of Ithaca.Curetes: people living in Aetolia.Cyllene: a mountain in Arcadia (in central Peloponnese); home of Otus.Cynus: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Cyparisseis: a town ruled by Nestor.Cyparissus: a town in Phocis.Cyphus: a town in northern Greece.Cythera: the place of origin of Amphidamas; original home of Lycophron.Cytorus: a town in Paphlagonia.Danaans: see Achaeans.Dardanians: people from around Troy, led by Aeneas.Daulis: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Dium: a town in Euboea.Dodona: a town in north west Greece.Dolopes: people given to Phoenix to rule by Peleus.Dorium: a town ruled by Nestor.Doulichion: an island off the west coast of mainland Greece.Echinean Islands: islands off west coast of mainland Greece.Eilesion: a town in Boeotia.Eionae: a town in the Argolid.Eleans: people inhabiting the Peloponnese.Eleon: a town in Boeotia.Elis: a region in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Elone: a town in Thessaly.Emathia: Hera goes there on the way to visit Sleep.Enetae: a town in Paphlagonia.Enienes: the inhabitants of a region in northern Greece.Enispe: a town in Arcadia (in central Peloponnese).Enope: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Epeians: part of the Achaean contingent, inhabitants of northern Peloponnese.Ephyra : a town in north-west Greece.Ephyra: alternate name for Corinth: home of Sisyphus.Ephyrians: people in Thessaly.Epidaurus: a town in the Argolid.Eretria: a town in Euboea.Erithini: a town in Paphlagonia.Erythrae: a town in Boeotia.Eteonus: a town in Boeotia.Ethiopians: Zeus visits them .Euboea: a large island close to mainland of Greece on the east:.Eutresis: a town in Boeotia.Gargaros: a peak on Mount Ida.Glaphyrae: a town in Thessaly.Glisas: a town in Boeotia.Gonoessa: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Graea: a town in Boeotia.Granicus: a river flowing from Mount Ida to the sea.Gygean Lake: a lake in Asia Minor: birth region of Iphition.Gyrtone: a town in Thessaly.Haliartus: a town in Boeotia.Halizoni: Trojan allies.Harma: a town in Boeotia.Helice: a town ruled by Agamemnon; site of worship of Poseidon.Hellas: a region of Thessaly ruled by Peleus (Achilles father).Hellenes: the inhabitants of Hellas.Hellespont: narrow stretch of water between Thrace and the Troad (separating Europe from Asia).Helos: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Helos: a town ruled by Nestor.Heptaporus: a river flowing from Mount Ida to the sea.Hermione: a town in the Argolid.Hermus: a river in Maeonia, birthplace of Iphition.Hippemolgi: distant tribe.Hire: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Histiaea: a town in Euboea.Hyades: heavenly constellation: depicted on Achilles shield.Hyampolis: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Hyde: birthplace of Iphition (Trojan warrior).Hyle: a town in Boeotia; home of Oresbius and Tychius.Hyllus: a river in Asia Minor near the birthplace of Iphition.Hyperea: site of a spring in Thessaly.Hyperesia: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Hyria: a town in Boeotia.Hyrmine: a town in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Ialysus: a town in Rhodes.Iardanus: a river in the Peloponnese.Icaria: an island in the Aegean Sea.Ida: a mountain near Troy.Ilion: another name for Troy.Imbros: an island in the Aegean Sea.Iolcus: a town in Thessaly.Ionians: people of Ionia.Ithaca: an island off westcoast of Greece, home of Odysseus.Ithome: a town in Thessaly.Iton: a town in Thessaly.Laà ¤s: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Lacedaemon: the area ruled by Menelaus (in south Peloponnese).Lapith: the inhabitants of a region of Thessaly.Larissa: a town near Troy.Leleges: the inhabitants of a region in northern Asia Minor.Lemnos: an island in the north-eastern Aegean Sea.Lesbos: an island in the Aegean.Lilaea: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Lindus: a city in Rhodes.Locrians: men from Locris in central Greece.Lycastus: a town in Crete.Lycia/Lycians: a region of Asia Minor.Lyctus: a city in Crete.Lyrnessus: a city captured by Achilles, where he took Briseis captive.Macar: king of islands south of Lesbos.Maeander: a river in Caria (in Asia Minor).Maeonia: a region of Asia Minor south of Troy.Maeonians: inhabitants of a region of Asia Minor, Trojan allies.Magnetes: inhabitants of Magnesia in northern Greece.Mantinea: a town in Arcadia.Mases: a town in the Argolid.Medeon: a town in Boeotia.Meliboea: a town in Thessaly.Messe: a town in Lacedaemon ruled by Menelaus.Messeis: a spring in Greece.Methone: a town in Thessaly.Midea: a town in Boeotia.Miletus : a city in Crete.Miletus: a city in Asia Minor.Minyeà ¯us: a river in Peloponnese.Mycale: a mountain in Caria,in Asia Minor.Mycalessus: a town in Boeotia.Mycenae: a city in the Argolid ruled by Agamemnon.Myrine: see Bat ieia.Myrmidons: troops from Thessaly under command of Achilles.Myrsinus: a town in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Mysians: Trojan allies.Neritum: a mountain in Ithaca.Nisa: a town in Boeotia.Nisyrus: an island in the Aegean Sea.Nysa: a mountain associated with Dionysus.Ocalea: a town in Boeotia.Oceanus (Ocean): god of the river surrounding the earth.Oechalia: a city in Thessaly.Oetylus: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Olene: a large rock in Elis.Olenus: a town in Aetolia.Olizon: a town in Thessaly.Oloà ¶sson: a town in Thessaly.Olympus: a mountain where the major gods (the Olympians) live.Onchestus: a town in Boeotia.Opoeis: the place where Menoetius and Patroclus came from.Orchomenus: a city in central Greece.Orchomenus: a city in Acadia.Orion: a heavenly constellation: depicted on Achilles shield.Ormenius: a town in Thessaly.Orneae: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Orthe: a town in Thessaly.Paeonia: a region in northern Greece.Panopeus: a town in Phocis (in central Greece); home of Schedius.Paphlagonians: Trojan allies.Parrhasia: a town in Arcadia.Parthenius: a river in Paphlagonia.Pedaeum: the home of Imbrius.Pedasus: a town near Troy: home of Elatos.Pedasus: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Pelasgia: a region near Troy.Pelion: a mountain in mainland Greece: home of the centaurs.Pellene: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Peneus: a river in northern Greece.Peraebians: inhabitants of a region in north-west Greece.Percote: a town north of Troy; home of Pidytes.Perea: the place where Apollo bred horses of Admetus.Pergamus: the high citadel of Troy.Peteon: a town in Boeotia.Phaestus : town in Crete.Pharis: a town in Peloponnese.Pheia: a town in the Peloponnese.Pheneus: a town in Arcadia.Pherae : city in Thessaly.Pherae: a city in southern Peloponnese.Phlegyans: fighting against Ephyreans.Phocis: territory of Phoceans (part of the Achaean contingent), in central Greece.Phrygia: a region of Asia Minor inhabited by Phrygians, allies of the Trojans.Phthia: a region in south Thes saly (in northern Greece), home of Achilles and his father Peleus.Phthires: a region in Carian Asia Minor.Phylace: a town in Thessaly; home of Medon.Pieria: Hera goes there on the way to Sleep.Pityeia: a town to the north of Troy.Placus: a mountain by Thebe, city near Troy.Plataea: a town in Boeotia.Pleiades: a heavenly constellation: depicted on Achilles shield.Pleuron: a town in Aetolia; home of Andraemon, Portheus, and Ancaeus.Practius: a town to the north of Troy.Pteleum: a town ruled by Nestor.Pteleum: a town in Thessaly.Pylene: a town in Aetolia.Pylians: residents of Pylos.Pylos: area in south Peloponnese, and central city in that area, ruled by Nestor.Pyrasus: a town in Thessaly.Pytho: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Rhesus: a river flowing from Mount Ida to the sea.Rhipe:  ¨town in Arcadia.Rhodes: a large island in the eastern Mediterranean.Rhodius: a river from Mount Ida to the sea: stirred up by Poseidon and Apollo to destroy the wall.Rhytium: a town in Crete.Salami s: an island off mainland Greece, home of Telamonian Ajax.Samos: an island off west coast of mainland Greece, ruled by Odysseus.Samos: an island in northern Aegean Sea.Samothrace: an island in the Aegean Sea: Poseidons view point on the battle.Sangarius: a river in Phyrgia; home of Asius.Satnioeis: a river near Troy; home of Altes.Scaean Gates: the major gates through the Trojan walls.Scamander: a river outside Troy (also called the Xanthus).Scandia: the home of Amphidamas.Scarphe: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Schoenus: a town in Boeotia.Scolus: a town in Boeotia.Scyros: an island in the Aegean: Achilles son being raised there.Selleà ¯s: a river in north-west Greece.Selleà ¯s: a river north of Troy.Sesamus: a town in Paphlagonia.Sestos: a town on the north side of the Hellespont.Sicyon: a town ruled by Agamemnon; home of Echepolus.Sidon: a city in Phoenicia.Simoeis: a river near Troy.Sipylus: a mountain area where Niobe still exists.Solymi: a tribe in Lycia: attacked by Be llerophon.Sparta: a city in Lacedaemon, home of Menelaus and (originally) Helen.Spercheus: a river, father of Menesthius, after copulating with Polydora.Stratie: a town in Arcadia.Stymphelus: a town in Arcadia.Styra: a town in Euboea.Styx: a special underground river on which gods swear their oaths: Titaressus a branch of the Styx.Syme: an island in the Aegean Sea.Tarne: a city in Maeonia.Tarphe: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Tartarus: a deep pit below the earth.Tegea: a town in Arcadia.Tenedos: an island a short distance off the coast from Troy.Tereia: a mountain to the north of Troy.Thaumachia: a town in Thessaly.Thebe: a city near Troy.Thebes: a city in Boeotia.Thebes: a city in Egypt.Thespeia: a town in Boeotia.Thisbe: a town in Boeotia.Thrace: a region north of the Hellespont.Thronion: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Thryoessa: a city in war between Pylians and Epeians.Thryum: a town ruled by Nestor.Thymbre: a town near Troy.Timolus: a mountain in Asia Minor, near H yde.Tiryns: a city in the Argolid.Titanus: a town in Thessaly.Titaressus: a river in north-western Greece, a branch of the river Styx.Tmolus: a mountain in Meonia.Trachis: a town in Pelasgian Argos.Tricca: a town in Thessaly.Troezene: a town in the Argolid.Xanthus: a river in Lycia (Asia Minor).Xanthus: a river outside Troy, also called the Scamander, also the god of the river.Zacynthus: an island off the west coast of Greece, part of the area ruled by Odysseus.Zeleia: a town close to Troy, on lower slopes of Mt. Ida. Source Glossary for the Iliad, by Ian Johnston
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Appeal of Essay Topics in English
The Appeal of Essay Topics in English Let's say you pay for at least 10 orders for the length of a class. England is the principal place I need to visit, I'd like to live there for a couple years solely for the experience. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Just remember to get a constant inflow of grammatically correct English as this is the principal rationale behind this habit. You have to choose a single question to reply. Such an essay doesn't need to rely on hard facts since it is based on someone's individual beliefs. An important point to bear in mind is to be certain you don't have a thing in the essay which is not related to your topic. Locate two or three topic questions you prefer or know a lot about. You may even start with a brief personal story describing an experience which is relevant to the topic. Selecting a topic is an essential issue that partly estimates final success of the job. Write about the benefits and disadvantages of it Saying Goodbye. What is Really Happening with Essay Topics in English Browsing our essay writing samples can offer you a good idea whether the standard of our essays is the quality you're looking for. An individual should see the importance of selecting a proper essay topic when studying in college or university. You could possibly be given the topic straight away by your professor, or maybe you be free to decide on the topic yourself. The writer who's great opinion essay structure esl at dissertation is going to be the person who knows the way to compose dissertations. If you fret about the standard of your essay as well as you're worrying about whether you can discover a paper writer you may trust, you have arrived at the right location. These basic steps can help you in writing your essay. Fantastic connections between arguments are frequently a pitfall to writers, and by making sure great connections are created, you can genuinely strengthen your essay! If you're looking for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service given by fully qualified academics in your area of study. There's a selection of essay types, and every one of them is able to assist you in developing your abilities and widening your knowledge. Since the start of the recorded time communication has been a very important component in the progression of denizens. Also, keeping your outline around throughout the entire process will help you stay organized and assist you in making certain you don't forget anything. Additionally, another language w ill assist scholars in their general improvement. In order to come up with own style you'll be able to utilize English essay samples that you are able to discover online. It is preferable to grow up in a family with a lot of brothers and sisters. To acquire the maximum grade for your essay, you need not just to fill it with pertinent info and dependable facts or examples from your own personal life. You may also give examples which may be associated with your own nation. Essays don't need to be difficult! Categories, essay topics could possibly be divided into. Get in touch with us and order a superb essay. You've approached the last portion of your essay. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. The subject of your essay is vital. Secondly, the subject of your admission essay is dependent on a university. You require an exam to show your English language proficiency. If you've studied your whole life in English, you should not have any problem in any way in obtaining a respectable grade in either TOEFL or IELTS. Therefore, the significance of a foreign language in education may not be overlooked. Many people think that a second language needs to be included in the education level. Following are various kinds of essay topics for students that are categorized in many sections so you can easily chose the topic in accordance with your need and requirement. When prior brainstorming is finished, you might begin drafting your essay. Completing practice essays can help you become more acquainted with what the prompts will look like (see next section), and it's also wise to consider the rubrics TOEFL graders will use while grading your essays so that you receive a better knowledge of what you will need for a high score. Completing timed practice essays will help you stay away from this. Utilize humor Thus, college English essays will be catchy Include a few aphorisms Just to be able to clearly show your erudition. You will be able to take notes as you listen to it though. Despite the fact that you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. You have to present your teacher, professor, or tutor you've made the greatest possible essay with the info you had. On our site, there are kinds of essays to select from. On our site you'll find a lot more useful special information that will certainly be beneficial for junior and higher school kids from, like common home task essay about Hamlet, in addition to, for instance, application essays for college for future students. If you find that you're unaware of any topic, the easiest was to handle the undertaking is to purchase a high-quality customized essay online at Essay-Online-Shop. Needless to say, you may pick any other topic. Most Noticeable Essay Topics in English Keep in mind, at times it's faster to edit the full text than to devote several hours on each and every sentence. Now there was a possibility of a new life You were called upon in order to take somebody else's place at the previous minute. You will be graded on the level of your writing in addition to how well your response represents the principal points of the audio clip and written passage and the way they relate to one another. Then you need to spend a couple of minutes to make quick points that come to your mind. If you still doubt whether you are able to deal with this kind of assignment for a definition essay alone, we're content to inform you that there's a great solution! A superb balance of simple and intricate sentences is utilized to develop an argument. Obviously, you can begin with a broader concept, then bring the audience to your principal statement. So, the very best start would be to interpret this kind of assignment for a definition essay as a way to define and understand its features that hav e to be preserved.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evaluation Of “Rome In The Late Republic“ Free Essays
There appears to be much controversy as to the reasons the Roman Republic ended. Mary Beard and Michael Crawford, both known authors for several works pertaining to ancient Rome, have teamed together and wrote Rome in the Late Republic. This book, fairly contemporary in its research, takes on the challenge of depicting reasons why the Roman Republic ended, and in explaining the reasons; they attempt to incorporate such issues as religion, political institutions, socio-economic attributes of the people, and outside influence into their argument. We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluation Of â€Å"Rome In The Late Republicâ€Å" or any similar topic only for you Order Now Beard and Crawford’s thesis lies in the portrayal of these issues in their relation to the fall of the Roman Republic and how their explanation differs from other authors and scholars’ interpretations. Beard and Crawford present their material in an easily readable, and quite short, manner. They have separated their arguments into that which the reader can comprehend and associate with outside information concerning the history of Rome. However, there is a problem, regarding the historical aspect, whereas Beard and Crawford do not give particular examples of historical events, or the like.It is not a problem if the reader has an understanding of the subject, but if someone were not to possess such knowledge, then they would be at a disadvantage, because of this lapse on the authors’ part. For instance, the statement, â€Å"As the political system came increasingly under the dominance of powerful individuals, so those individuals, tended also to monopolize links with divine,†does not provide an adequate perception to the certain individuals, which can be learned in other fashions to represent people like Julius Caesar, who served as Pontifex Maximus.Considering this lack of direct historical evidence, the book appears to be more based in a literary manner, with indirect historical evidence, as mentioned. In the literary sense, the authors give their supposition into why the Republic ended, in such sta tements like â€Å"The late Republic had witnessed the development of an elite culture drawing on both Greek and Roman traditions; this development was crucial to the functioning of the relatively complex structure of the Roman Empire†(24). It is made clear what the authors are presenting by their explanations and evidence.Throughout the book, Beard and Crawford divide their assertions into understandable chapters by separating, material like religion, political institutions, and socio-economic attributes of the people that provide a solid argument for why the Roman Republic ended. An example of the information provided concerning religion’s role in the ending of the Republic is, â€Å"religious means were used to gain political ends-therefore ‘true’ Roman religion had been perverted away from its proper use†(26).Later in another chapter, Beard and Crawford depict political institutions’ role in the ending of the Republic, with relation to contemporary intellectuals as, â€Å"It is difficult to comprehend political life at Rome in the late Republic. Not only are its structures and institutions alien to us; they were also in a state of disruption and change†(40). Finally, depicting the socio-economic argument, Beard and Crawford assert that â€Å"The pattern of the Roman conquest of Italy meant that in most essential respects there came to be substantial uniformity in social and economic structure throughout Italy†(79).These divisions that the authors present their argument and separate the material allow for a well formulated book. The final area that Beard and Crawford touch upon is challenging fellow scholars and modern historians. An example of their criticism is that â€Å"Ancient authors and modern historians treat the Senate (and to a lesser extent the equestrian order) as if it was, for all practical purposes, a hereditary body†(45). Following that statement the authors present their counter-argument.By mentioning other arguments, the authors give more legitimacy to their material. Another example of this is Some recent writing can leave the reader wondering why the assembly bothered to meet at all, seeing that the view of the elite was so bound to prevail. The elite had, in short, a vested interest in unity-which was, of course, not preserved in the political struggles of the late Republic. However, other historians gave the impression that it was exceedingly hard to become a magistrate or senator if you didn’t have a relative that was a senate, etc. 51). In this example, the authors’ argument is clearly opposite from what other historians claim. Beard and Crawford’s disagreements with scholars and historians are made known throughout the book. The manner, in which they do so, is by presenting both sides, then proceeding to explain why theirs is superior. This method allows the reader to comprehend the material related to the subject and to understand why Beard and Crawford’s contentions are better.Beard and Crawford’s book is an excellent supplement to studies in Roman history, because it provides a sufficient interpretation into the end of the Roman Republic, outside of the textbook’s straightforward historical evidence. Rome in the Late Republic is more of a literary source and by doing so the authors present historical evidence and material indirectly, though if reading a Roman history textbook at the same time, the reader should have no difficulty understanding what Beard and Crawford are trying to argue, concerning the factors related to the ending of the Republic of Rome.In conclusion, Bear d and Crawford do a good job of presenting their reasons for the ending of the Roman Republic, though more historical evidence would allow readers a better comprehension of the material. The book is helpful to those who want to learn more into the reasons why the Republic of Rome. How to cite Evaluation Of â€Å"Rome In The Late Republicâ€Å", Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor is located at Hawaii in the United States of America. This was a military base of the US military forces during the Second World War. Japan was very keen on conquering the larger Asian region, having successfully suppressed China. It had entered into an alliance with Germany and Italy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Pearl Harbor Attack specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This alliance formed the central power that would fight the allied forces led by Britain. This country was one of the strongest nations during the Second World War and its leaders were keen on asserting their control in Asian region. The United States of America had taken a low profile in the war at the beginning. It preferred supplying both weapons and food to both sides. This stabilized it economically, which would later help it in strengthening its military. Japan was weary of the US and wanted to suppress it as it was the only thre at to Japan’s conquest. The German soldiers convinced Japan that Britain and France were under control. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republicans was still recovering from the German attack. The only threat was the United States of America (Rottman 45). Tension between the two countries started building up in early 1940s. Both countries were suspicious of each other. The US was keenly monitoring the rate at which Japan was arming itself. Japan was also aware that the US was heavily armed. Japan therefore decided to attack the US for one main reason, which was to offer the US a devastating blow that would completely discourage it from going to war. They expected that after the attack, the US either would be too weak to join the war or would be scared. This would enable their advancement to other Asian countries since there could not be any threat from major powers. In 25 November 1941, Japan decided to launch its offensive. It attacked the US military base at Pearl Harbor. Thi s was one of the US main military bases located in Hawaii. This resulted to death of over 2400 Americans and wounded about 1300 people. Several ships were also destroyed and the harbor was damaged, though not to a large extent.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The US had expected such an occurrence but had not predicted this kind of damage. The damage would have been worse but it was poorly planned. Furthermore, the military strength of the US forces was under-estimated by the Japanese senior commanders. It did not take much to repair the ships and get them back to the sea. The United States of American responded to this attack very swiftly. It was convinced that Japan was an enemy that could no longer be assumed. They could no longer watch this war from the fence but had to join it actively. They declared war on Japan. This immediate cause forced America to join the Second World War off icially. This reaction was expected by German and Italy, which responded immediately by declaring war on the US. However, Japan did not expect this eventuality. They expected the US to be scared meaning that it could not be in a position to join the war. The United States of America entered the war for two major reasons. One of it was to save its friendly nations such as Britain and France, which were under siege. In addition, it had to react to the attack on its military base. Although the US helped in suppressing the all-powerful Germany, its main target was Japan. Works Cited Rottman, Gordon. World War 2 Pacific Island Guide. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002. Print. This essay on Pearl Harbor Attack was written and submitted by user Zaniyah Campbell to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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